Custom Haven & Hearth Client
Project maintained by TheKrush
Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
Custom Haven & Hearth Client
This is a fork of ender's client so it'll contain most of the changes made to that client.
Download hafen-minion.jar (to a empty folder) and run it. It will download all necessary files to folder where it is placed.
- Automatically fetches new versions of the client
- Automatically fetches map combiner (bdew's client)
Features: - upcoming features
- Changed title font to more readable one (ender's client)
- Increased chat font size and added timestamps to chat messages
- Quick access for hand/backpack slots near portrait (ender's client)
- Added CTRL+1 and CTRL+2 to simulate left clicks on quick access hand slots (ender's client)
- Mass transfer for inventories (ender's client)
- ALT+LEFT CLICK (transfer 1 item)
- ALT+RIGHT CLICK (transfer all items)
- CTRL+LEFT CLICK (drop 1 item)
- CTRL+RIGHT CLICK (drop all items)
- Mass transfer for stockpiles when clicking stockpile ui (ender's client)
- ALT+LMB (put 1 item into stockpile)
- ALT+RMB / ALT+MMB (put as many items into stockpile as it can hold)
- RMB transfers highest quality items first
- MMB transfers lowest quality items first
- CTRL+LMB (take 1 item from stockpile)
- CTRL+RMB / ALT+MMB (take as many items from stockpile as inventory can hold)
- RMB transfers highest quality items first
- MMB transfers lowest quality items first
- Optional study locking (ender's client)
- Zoom in/out camera with numpad +/- (ender's client)
- Added RGBA sliders to allow changing of the overlay that shows item timers (for example your study timers can be changed to red with 100% opacity)
- Percentages in Food Event Points tooltip on the Character sheet
- Changed window start locations
- Equipment window starts in top right
- Character Sheet window starts in top center
- Crafting window starts in top center
- Client now should show error window in case of crash (ender's client)
- You can now put custom resources into 'res' folder to replace any default ones (ender's client)
- Current player name to chat messages sent
- Player names to private chat messages
- Changelog at startup (ender's client)
- Accounts stored (ender's client)
- Window positions stored (ender's client)
- New crafting window accessible with ALT+C (ender's client)
- Optional grid overlay (ALT+G) (ender's client, pulled from k-t)
- Added timers (X->T) (ender's client)
- Optional undocked/floating minimap (resizable) (ender's client)
- Client now should show error window in case of crash (ender's client)
- You can now put custom resources into 'res' folder to replace any default ones (ender's client)
- Added auto-choose options for the right click actions menu (ender's client)
- Added LP/XP to Curiosity tooltip
- Added mouse follow mode (bdew's client)
- Added displaying of skill values in craft window (ender's client)
- Show attribute gains from eating in the system log (ender's client)
- Added option to display object radius (ALT+R) (romovs' client)
- Beehive
- Food trough
- Mining Support
- Stone Column
- Display quality of item's contents, if it has any (ender's client)
- Display heuristically obtained item quantity if no explicit count is given, like amount of water in a bucket (ender's client)
- Added Learning Points (LP) you gain per Mental Weight to curiosity tooltip
- Display item contents quantities (ender's client)
- Display item contents qualities (ender's client)
- Added buttons for showing minimap grid and view distance (ender's client)
- Normalized the map tile coords so they now work with things like 'TP Map Tool'
- Increased flower menu opening speed (romovs' client)
- Added game time display (undefined's client)
- Added dewy mantle alert (undefined's client)
Bug Fixes: - current bugs
- Various client crashes
- Ambient volume slider now correctly set (romovs' client)
- Fixed a config loading issue that I was experiencing with ender's client
- Display Settings
- Camera Settings
- Camera type
- Default Ortho (snaps to 45, 135, 225, 315)
- Default Ortho (snaps to 0, 90, 180, 270)
- Default (snap to all 8 directions) (bdew's client)
- Default Ortho (no snapping)
- Follow
- Free
- General Settings
- Store general game data
- Data is stored in 'data' folder and is used to automaticaly update options menus, but can make the game laggy
- Store chat logs (ender's client)
- Logs are stored in 'chat' folder
- Store minimap tiles (bdew's client)
- Tiles are stored in 'map' folder
- Hotkey Settings
- Mouse follow
- If enabled holding LMB or using ALT+F will make player follow mouse
- Show all qualities (ender's client)
- Multiple selections means ANY key must be pressed to activate
- Transfer items / Stockpile transfer items in (ender's client)
- Multiple selections means ALL keys must be pressed to activate.
- Drop items / Stockpile transfer items out (ender's client)
- Multiple selections means ALL keys must be pressed to activate.
- Minimap Settings
- Undock minimap (ender's client)
- Use Ender's Radar (ender's client)
- If this is enabled all the other minimap icon options are ignored
- Show players on minimap (romovs' client)
- Show bumlings
- Show bushes
- Show trees
- Radar Settings
- UI Settings
- Show hslider values
- Show kin online/offline (ender's client)
- Show timestamps in chat (ender's client)
- Show percentage above hourglass (ender's client)
- Force long tooltips
- Single item auto choose
- If checked, will automatically select single item menus if SHIFT is not down when menu is opened
- Choose menu items to select automatically
- List of actions the user wants to automatically select when right clicking things, first item in the normal 'flower' action list is what is selected if found marked in this list
- Item qualities
- Do not show quality
- Show single quality as average
- Show single quality as max
- Show single quality as Essence
- Show single quality as Substance
- Show single quality as Vitality
- Show all qualities
- Show item wear bar (ender's client)
- Show item armor (ender's client)
- Show item durability (ender's client)
- Item meter
- Item meter countdown
- If checked all item progress meters will start full and empty over time
- Item meter
Sources can be found on GitHub